Are you wondering what the 12 words are that will make you his secret obsession?
Are you asking yourself any of the following questions:
- How Can I Become His Secret Obsession?
- What Are The 12 Words?
- What Is His Secret Obsession?
If you are, then you are in luck, since that is EXACTLY what I will cover in this blog post.
Before I do, I just want to tell you that if you are looking for a review of His Secret Obsession program by James Bauer, you will find my very biased review here.
How Can I Become His Secret Obsession?
There are many ways to become his secret obsession for women.
The easiest way is to know what he wants before he wants it, and then give it to him.
However, it might be hard to do it, especially since you might be doing the wrong things that will have a huge negative impact on your relationship.
I know how hard it can be, myself.
You see, I had the wrong ideas about what men want from a woman.
I only thought that I should use words that I always thought were the one’s that would hook him by giving him subliminal hints on what I wanted him to do, instead of saying it to him, and appealing to his emotions.
However, the words I used sent out the wrong signals to him, but I wasn’t aware of it.
Those words didn’t make me his secret obsession, they would instead make him reject me.
Slowly but steadily, I started to notice how he drifted away, stopped answering my texts, and started to become more distant and wasn’t as engaged in our relationship as he used to be.
Here is what I should have done instead.

How the 12 Words Helped Me
I realized that I did something wrong, and started to look around in books on male psychology, reading Cosmo, trying to understand what I did wrong, but without any luck.
It seemed like NOTHING could help me understand it.
How could I possibly save my relationship with the man I loved? With the man I knew intuitively that was RIGHT for me?
I cried myself to sleep most of the days, sobbing quietly, so I wouldn’t wake him up in our bedroom, or notice that I wasn’t sleeping.
I was desperate to say the least, since I knew in my heart that NOBODY else would fix it for me.
It was my sole responsibility as the woman in our relationship to make it happen, or else…
No, I didn’t wanted to think that thought through, but sometimes I did.
What if he left me for a younger woman? What would my friends say?
Look at Melanie, who is walking there all by herself, because she doesn’t know how to keep a man? No, it wasn’t supposed to happen! Not if I could STOP IT!
I had invested to much emotionally to allowing myself to make it happen to me – AGAIN.
These were things I started to think about when I should fall asleep.
What if he would be happy with another woman? Someone younger than me? A little girl who just wanted him to buy her expensive Gucci-bags, and an engagement ring with a matching set of a necklace and earrings from Cartier.
All she had to do was to give him SEX, and he would be SO HAPPY with her.
Just the bear thought of him being with another woman kept me up all night, pounding myself, thinking that there was a secret that someone had to know about men, but wasn’t sharing with the rest of us.
I then made a vow to myself: I wasn’t going to let it happen to me.

How I Discovered His Secret Obsession
So, I started to do my research online, finding a lot of young YouTubers who didn’t have any clue about what it meant to invest so much time and emotions in the relationship with the perfect man. I found myself spending a lot of time reading blogs, and desperately trying to find the answer on how I could make him more interested in me.
It felt like an eternity, but by pure luck, I came across James Bauer’s video.
This was the first time I heard him mentioning:
- The 12 secret words to activate his secret obsession
- What I needed to do to activate my man’s hero instinct, and
- How it is the key to making a man more passionate, compassionate, and keeps him falling in love with you all over again.
Now, you I want to remind you that I had both heard and read a lot of crappy advice and “tips” from other self-proclaimed “experts”, so I was skeptical, to say the least.
It seemed too simple to me.
I didn’t believe for a second that I could use the hero instinct phrases to get the fantastic relationship I had hoped for so long.
Then, I did something I NEVER thought I was going to do.
His Secret Obsession Signals Is NOT Fake
I reached out to him and left a comment with the words “His Hero Signals sounds just like fake to me”.
Before, I have reached out to other people, who didn’t even bothered to respond back to me.
So, I wasn’t to expect James to get back to me.
You might imagine how surprised I was when I got a response from James, with just two sentences that were about to change my life forever: “No, it’s a proven and tested method. I guess you haven’t tried it, or am I wrong?“
I did respond to him, and we kept that conversation on-going for a few days, before Gina, who works for James reached out to me.
After talking with me, and James, he offered me to experience it for free, which he normally doesn’t allow, and Gina gave me a secret login to the program.
I got the 12 words to activate his secret program, and decided to give it the benefit of the doubt, and sent those twelve words to my man.
First, NOTHING happened. I thought to myself: That’s just typical. It doesn’t work.
Half an hour went by, even an hour. NOTHING.
Then, after two hours, things started to get crazy. Here is what I did to get him to text me back.
It all started when I received this text: “Melanie, I apologise for being so distant lately, but I was in a meeting with my boss, so I couldn’t possibly go away. We need to talk. I reached out to you as quickly as I could.”
It felt like I finally got the attention and relationship I had been craving for so long.
I am experiencing an unimaginable intimacy, with a man who tells me how much he loves me – EVERY SINGLE DAY.
If you’re asking me: What are the 12 words that activate his secret obsession? I would answer you without any hesitation: The difference of being in a happy relationship and going through a separation. It’s a lifesaver!
I will soon share a little bit more in detail what these words will do for you.
However, if you want to experience the share power of them, by yourself, you should watch James video here to get all the details first.
What Are The 12 Words? What His Secret Obsession Is All About.
The twelve words are the words that James noticed activates any man’s hero instinct.
A man’s hero instinct is the instinct to help a woman in need, and do EVERYTHING for her, to summarize it quickly.
These 12 words will:
- Make any man commit to you and your relationship together
- Create a passion for you, and only you, that will make him fall in love with you every single day
- Make him do everything you want him to do. No matter if it’s cleaning the entire house, or surprising you with small romantic gestures every single day
What Is His Secret Obsession?
His Secret Obsession is a powerful program for women who doesn’t get the attention she wants from the man she loves.
It can help you to:
- Get the relationship with a handsome, dashing, man, who you have been captivated by for a long time and has fantasised about but never thought possible.
- Make him commit, and fall in love with you all over again. Do you remember the first time you experienced love? That’s precisely how your man will act when you use those twelve phrases. He will start chasing you again.
- Win your ex-boyfriend or ex-husband back and make him passionate fascinated by you, and only you.
If this is something you want to experience, you should listen to James Bauer’s video here first.
I hope that it will help you as much as it helped me.