Find the High-Quality Man You Deserve

How to Get a Guy Chasing You




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If you want to know how to get a guy chasing you, I am here to help you.

In case you don’t know me, I’m Melanie Adams, and I’m offering what I hope is a lot of useful tips to women just like you.

When he chases after you, you feel sexy, and wanted.

However, the more mature you become, the more you want to feel desired, and needed by a man, don’t you?

Especially after giving birth to my children, I didn’t feel very attractive or sexy. If you want to get a man to chase you, I will share what I, as well as some of my friends, did, to be chased, and feel attracted again.

Most men don’t admit it. But they like chasing women, since it makes them feel like you’re a big prize they need to “win”.

It is one of the key takeaways from the free report “Attraction Secrets” that you’ve got when you first signed up. You are signed up to my newsletter already, aren’t you?

If you aren’t, you can claim your copy here when you enter your email address, and it will be sent to that email address within 5 minutes after signup.

I always enjoyed it when men chased after me, especially if I was into him already. Guys used to chase me like they were a pack of hungry wolves, wanting to find the prey and hunt it down like a fawn, or a moose, or other game. After all, men often refer to dating as “the dating game”, did you know that?

I didn’t until I overheard a conversation between my husband and some of his friends.

So, how do you keep a guy chasing after you?

That is exactly what I will reveal to you below.

How to Keep a Guy Chasing You

If you want to keep a guy chasing after you, there are a couple of things you need to know first.

As I already told you above, men love to chase women. So, let him chase you, and do not, under any circumstances try to chase after him, since he most likely will be turned off by such behaviour.

But, how can you do it?

First, you need to show confidence when he is chasing after you.

If you do this, he will get intrigued, and be encouraged to continue to chase you.

You see, if you believe that you are a great catch, he will start to think of you as a great catch too. It all depends on the subtle signals that you are sending to men around you, and they will then start to notice you, and then start to chase after you.

When a confident person enters a room, you can’t help but looking at that person. No matter if you’re a man or a woman.

If you’re always available to a man all the time, he will never start chasing you.

It is what I like to refer to as the “mistress trap”. You see, when you’re always available to the man you love, he will lose any respect that he might have for you in the past, because he knows that whenever he needs you, you will be there for him, just waiting for a text from him, or a call from him.

You don’t have a life, so, how can you avoid the “mistress trap”?

By getting yourself busy, and do the things you enjoy to do, or indulge yourself in a new hobby, just to keep yourself busy, or spend time with your friends.

Enjoy life, and live it to the fullest before you get into a relationship with the man you love.

How to Get a Guy Chasing You Again

Don’t allow the man you love to occupy every space of our life.

I did that mistake, so I would advise you not to repeat it. If you do, he will never start to chase you again.

If you want to get a man to start chasing you again, you need to have a private space where he is not allowed to enter.

As desperate it will be to him if you chase after him, just as desperate will it be if you are texting, or calling him first. Let him be the man, and take the lead. I have lost count of the number of my friends who has been called “clingy” or “needy” from guys they dated. Men who dumped her as soon as she texted or called him first.

Keep all your interactions with the man short. Let him know that you are busy. No matter if you’re out on a date, talking to him on the phone, or even texting him, keep things as short as possible.

It will make you more valuable to him than if you were available all the time.

These are a few examples that I wanted to share with you.

Would you like to get more tips just like these? If you do, I will share how you can get them right now.

How to Get a Guy Chase After You

So, would you like to know how to get a guy to chase you instead of you chasing him?

If you do, you should subscribe to my newsletter, and I will share more valuable tips with you.

If you for some reason, don’t want to get more tips from me, I know you will benefit from this article that will inform you of 20 strangely effective ways to get a guy to chase after you.

It provides you with great insights about how you can get a guy to chase after you again.

Trust me, it really helps, and makes you feel feminine, desired, as well as attractive to men.

In the report that will help you achieve all of those emotions, you will:

  • Understand what it takes to activate his hidden instinct to chase you
  • The 3 patterns that unlock his passion and romantic desire
  • The strangest thing men desire

Does it sound like something you would like to know more about?

Click here to get your copy now – for FREE, of course.

If you know of a friend of yours who needs that report as well, I allow you to share it, and spread the word about it.

We, women, need to form a sisterhood and sharing what actually works, especially with our daughters. It is hard to grow up as a young, strong, and independent woman these days.

Stay strong, sisters!

Melanie Adams

About the author

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