I will share five of the best text flirting tips for women I have used, and they have always worked for me.
Texting with a man is very popular these days, and you might want to get better at flirting over text for that very reason.
It doesn’t matter whether you are single right now or in a relationship.
These texts work since they include some essential text flirting tips that will improve your texting quickly.
I will also share the only set of “rules” that works for women.
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How to Flirt By Text with a Man
You will not benefit from the best text flirting tips if you don’t know how to flirt with a man or even how guys flirt with text.
I recommend being a bit cautious here. You can send a photo of yourself, for sure, but even better is to open up with something fun or sexy.
You will notice that he will start flirting with you if he calls you things like cute, hun, sweetheart, and other names after sending him that kind of text, especially if it is a sexy one. If you have no ideas on how to begin your text flirting, here is a couple of suggestions for you.
As long as you’re not lazy and try to open with something lame like:
- Hi!
- What r u doing?
- What’s the weather like where you are?
Instead, start with something that intrigues him, and keep his attention.
Remember that men are not as good as we women to process information, and a man will always jump from one thing after another that keeps his attention for a short span unless it is sports on the TV, which he can watch for hours.
I remember when my husband, Carsten, and I began to date.
If there was a game on the TV, he told me that he couldn’t see me, and I started to suspect that Carsten dated another woman until my husband said to me that he was watching sports and that it was the reason we couldn’t see each other.
He came clean with me after talking with his sister, who told him to be completely honest with me if he wanted to have a relationship with me.
I always love to flirt with a guy, especially at the beginning of our relationship. If you want to flirt by text with men, here are five excellent readers that have always worked very well for me:
- I feel so safe in your strong arms.
- You know how to make me feel like a real woman.
- The left side of my bed misses you.
- I am in bed touching myself and thinking about you.
- Morning, babe. Wishing I could kiss your handsome face as I wake up.
Now, I can’t guarantee that they will work for you, of course, but if you want to give them a try, please feel free to do it, and you can always share your best stuff in the comments below.
I can’t wait to read them.
But, before you go about and try these texts, you might want to read the rest of this article, since I will be covering some details about how he will start to flirt with you through text, so you know when you got him on the hook.
You should include some sexy texts because men think much more about biological needs than women, which science has proven. See references for more information.

Some Essential Text Flirting Tips
The best flirting tips I can share with you without sounding like your mother is: Keep it short.
A man doesn’t like to read long texts. Most men don’t want to read books, let alone long texts, even if he likes you. A man’s attention span is 10 seconds at best, probably less unless it is a sport or a game he is playing.
My second flirting tip is that you should make him feel something with your texts.
Each text shall make him associate you with a particular emotion so that you can get him hooked to you emotionally first, and then you should focus on his logical side.
Thirdly, you need to speak to his ego.
All of these three tips will make you better at flirting with him, quickly and I will discuss the third and last part of it as I continue this article.
How to Get Better at Flirting Over Text
As I covered above, you need to speak to three things if you want to get better at flirting over text with your crush:
- His ego.
- His emotions.
- His logical side.
When you know how to satisfy all three, you will be better off than 95% of all other women, and you will understand how to appease his needs and desires.
Tell him that he is outstanding and makes you feel like a real woman to satisfy his ego. It has always worked for me and all of my friends. Even if I can’t guarantee that they will work for you, I still think you should give it a go.
A man’s ego is very fragile and gets hurt easily due to his low self-esteem.
For that reason, he needs to feel like a hero, and he needs to think that you value his opinion and believes that he is the one who can satisfy your biological needs for intimacy.
If you can make him believe that you believe that he is the right man for the job, it will make him feel good about himself, lower his ego and increase his self-esteem, encouraging him to reply to your text messages.
Guys usually flirt via text by giving you compliments and might say that you’re hot or lovely. The best way to get better at flirting over text with him is by appealing to his need to be your hero.
James Bauer, a best-selling dating coach, and relationship expert, has dubbed this phenomenon “the hero instinct.”
But, how can you achieve it through a simple text message?
How Do Guys Flirt Via Text ?
It might sound flirty and a bit tacky first, but he is trying to do his best to impress on you, so give him some slack and let him try his best.
If a guy tries to impress you, it means that he is into you.
When he flirts with you, flirt back. I know it seems awkward at first, but trust me, it helps you if you have romantic feelings for him.
Many women are afraid that they will become desperate.
However, according to one of my male friends, a man doesn’t think you are desperate but finds it hot and sexy when you pursue him.
If you want more details, read my article How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You Over Text.
In that article, I cover how you can make him fall in love with you and activate his “hero instinct” simultaneously.
Some women would tell you specific rules you need to follow when texting a guy.
According to my own experience, most of them are entirely made-up nonsense disguised as well-meaning advice but are misogynous, and destroy your chances for romance with the guy you have a crush on, so don’t follow them.
There are only five “rules” that I will recommend to you, and I could give them to anybody, man or woman.
5 “Rules” for Text Flirting with a Guy
There are only five “rules,” I think every human should follow, as I told you, and they are:

I refer to them as the “bee queen rules” since every “rule” starts with the word be.
The first seems apparent, yet many of us forget it and try to turn ourselves into the woman we think he wants.
If you keep doing it, you risk your future relationship with him.
You don’t want to misrepresent yourself deliberately and make him fall in love with a false version of yourself.
If he doesn’t like you for the woman you are, he’s NOT worthy of you.
Be honest with your feelings, and don’t be afraid of flirting with him or using your sense of humor to catch him.
If you can make him laugh with you, you will make him fall in love with you.
My last “rule” is to be sexy, and sending him sexy messages aren’t desperate but will make him like you more and fall in love with you since men have a dirty mind.
Women are more refined than men, and they feel guilty about having dirty thoughts about you.
Encourage it if you are into him, and don’t make him feel guilty about his dirty thoughts. Tell him that it is okay to feel that way about you and put his mind at ease.
Terri D. Fisher, Zachary T. Moore, Mary-Jo Pittenger. Sex on the Brain?: An Examination of Frequency of Sexual Cognitions as a Function of Gender, Erotophilia, and Social Desirability. Journal of Sex Research, 2012; 49 (1): 69 DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2011.565429