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5 Ways to Get Your Boyfriend Back




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In this blog post, I share five proven ways to get your boyfriend back.

There are many stupid mistakes women just like you make when you try to get your boyfriend back.

I have made some of them myself in the past, which I discuss in the full version of this blog post.

First, you need to understand that it is NOT your fault.

I have experienced many breakups myself in my life. I know how easy it is to experience these feelings of guilt, anger, resentment, and frustration that you may feel right now and how overwhelming it can be.

Somehow, he made you blame yourself for it.

Relationships are not easy. Men do not understand or appreciate the emotions and effort that we women put into the relationships.

What I Learned from My Relationship with Stan

A guy only cares about what he thinks is important, and that is just what happens in the bedroom, or wherever he feels it is convenient.

It is all about his satisfaction and you need to pretend to like everything he does to you.

Honestly, you should never on agreeing on something that you don’t approve of, or feels okay to you.

Some guys want to have it all the time for several hours like we are some kind of robots without emotions, that all we dream of is having him coming all over us. It’s freakin’ disgusting if you ask me.

At least, that was what my first boyfriend thought.

He even made me watch porn together with him and tell me: Melinda, I wish you would be a bit more adventurous like the girls in the films, and surprise me by satisfying me while touching yourself. Both of us will enjoy it, even if I know how much you love to eat my sperm.

The truth was that I felt forced to pretend that I liked it, when in reality I hated it.

But there was a good thing, I learned to fake a lot in the bedroom.

I didn’t enjoy talking dirty to him at all. It was something my mother warned me about when I became a teenager: Boys want girls to talk dirty to them, but that is nothing you should do. It is only girls with a particular reputation who does it, but they will end up miserable and heartbroken while a good girl will win him over by her good manors. That is how ladies do it, and you want to become a lady, not a slut, Melinda. You don’t want the reputation of a slut.

She was right and I found out that he was secretly cheating on me with my best friend, Charlotte.

When I confronted her about it, she told me that he had said to her that he dumped me. He even said to her that he thought she was more adventurous than I was in the bedroom.

That made me start to think about what I could have done to get my boyfriend back.

I tried but luckily I failed.

He wasn’t a keeper and I am happy today that the two of us were breaking up eventually, so I could meet a true gentleman.

Today, I would just tell him to drop dead.

So, what would my tips to get your boyfriend back be to a young lady?

Tip #1 to Get Your Boyfriend Back: Don’t Try to Get Him Back Immediately

If you try to get your boyfriend back to quickly, you are doing a big mistake.

Just like you need some time away from him, he needs some time away from you.

It will give him the time to experience how life will be without you. He will then realise how much he misses you. It can make him love you even more.

Tip #2 to Get Your Boyfriend Back: Focus on Yourself and Your Well-Being

If you want to get your boyfriend back, you need to focus on yourself first.

Otherwise, you will only repeat the same mistakes over and over again, and time will heal your emotional wounds. (Ice-cream helps too ?)

You are a strong and independent woman, who do not need a man to like you.

I know that it is hard, and that you are missing him. Keep your cool, and he will be crawling back to you in no-time.

If not, he’s not worth your time or your love.

Tip # 3 to Get Your Boyfriend Back: Love Yourself

There is a reason why the Bible says: Love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12:31).

Because you should focus on yourself and give yourself some love.

Remember how you were before you met him. You don’t need a man to be a complete woman; all you need is yourself and doing things that are good for you, for your own sake.

Tip #4 to Get Your Boyfriend Back: Wait for Him

Something happened, and the two of you broke up.

When time is right, he will come back, begging you for forgiveness.

All it takes is a bit of time.

Because men are slow when it comes to deeper emotions like love.

Tip #5 to Get Your Boyfriend Back: Be Open for Love

The best part is to open up for love, and cherish the man you deserve.

He should be happy that he is allowed to be a big part in your life. You need to let him know it.

If he doesn’t appreciate you for the unique, wonderful woman you are, he does not deserve to be loved by you. It is as simple as that.

Be open with things you love, and love will come your way.

Say them out aloud, and let everyone know what you love.

You will notice how more good things will appear in your life.

It will be like a dream, but you will never have to wake up from it.

Then, you will get either your boyfriend back, or a better man will come your way.

How Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back?

Today, I am much more confident. So, if you are asking yourself how can I get my ex boyfriend back, let me tell you that you are not alone. You should listen to other women, who knows these things. Relationships are complicated matters. Now, I am in a much better relationship with a real man, who knows how to treat his woman the right way.

But as you have read above, you know that I wasn’t in a great relationship with a guy when I was younger.

It was a guy who I wouldn’t even dated today, but back then I was young, and insecure of myself, as well as how a relationship with a man should be.

If you don’t want to wait for him to appear in your life, there are three options.

Option #1: Wait for Him

It is a completely viable option to wait for him until you have matured. Maybe, you have a lot of other things you need to do in your life to become more confident in yourself, maybe study and educate yourself a bit, if you are younger. If you are more mature, time might not be on your side.

However, if you are a smart woman, which I know you are, you will like the third option.

Option #2: Go Out and Find Him

Go out and find him! Maybe, he is just waiting for you. Even if chances are slim to none, you never know. He can be your next-door neighbour, some guy at work, or some guy you meet in a completely different place.

However, he might become another ex-boyfriend to you unless you go with the third option.

Option #3: What I Would Do If I Were You

What I would do is to make your boyfriend fall in love with you, get a deep emotional connection, and do what any smart, modern, independent woman would do.

Once you have shown him that you are completely fine without him, you might want to get back with him, when you decide that it is the right time.

Then, you should do what more than 1,500 women from all over the world have done, and watch a video.

You will discover how you can send him one text, or say just twelve words to him to make him will fall in love with you forever.

The words you will learn are completely innocent words.

However, when you use them, he will obey every command you give him.

Just imagine how nice it would be to get overthrown by hugs and kisses every day when you get home.

He is much more obedient than our dog.

Imagine being his passion, the love of his life, and get that closeness and intimacy that you have craved for in your entire life, finally become a reality.

Tap or click the button below to watch the video.



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