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When A Man Is Pulling Away




when a man is pulling away, my man is pulling away, man is pulling away


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When a man is pulling away, you need to act fast.

Because unless you do anything to stop him in his tracks, your relationship will move slowly but steadily to its prematurely end.

What most women don’t realise is that when you notice that your man is pulling away, it has already been going on for a while.

If you don’t want your relationship to end, you need to understand that most women will choose one of the two options as a response to his distancing from you and your relationship.

I don’t want any other woman to go through this horrible experience ever again, and if I can help you to avoid it, I feel that it is my obligation to do so.

The first option that most women who read this blog post will choose is to do absolutely nothing. Then you will blame yourself for the end of their relationship when they notice that the man you love is pulling away from you physically, as well as emotionally.

I know you would hate yourself to allow your relationship to end without trying to fight for it at least, because that is EXACTLY what I used to do myself.

The second option that only a few brave souls will take is to read through this entire blog post, understand how I was able to stop my husband from pulling away, and how you can do it too.

It is the same method that has helped a couple of thousands of women from all around the world and me to get the relationship they truly want.

You will get my full story as well as the solution to his in the full post, which is located below.

My Man Is Pulling Away

If you notice that your man is pulling away, you can choose to do nothing.

However, then nothing will ever change, and you will never be able to get the relationship you know will be the best relationship with you.

I still remember how I used to be head-over-heels in love with a man. How I almost from the first moment we met to start spending so much time—investing so much emotionally and mentally in the relationship. I just knew that he was perfect for me, and I genuinely felt, from the bottom of my heart, would be my knight in shining armour.

Then, it always came down to one dreadful day, when he needed to have a “serious talk” with me, saying something like:

Melanie, baby. I don’t want you to freak out, but you and me, it’s not working out. I know you have felt it too. You are taking this thing we have together way too seriously, always texting me when I am out with the lads, having a few drinks, just hanging out accusing me of cheating on you.

You’re not my wife or my mother, just a broad I like to bang. You’d better pull yourself together. Maybe even get some professional help, because there’s something seriously wrong with your head.

Those were, with some moderations, the words of Stan, Angelo, Timothy, John, and Carsten.

What Happened Next Can Be Summarized As the “Story of My Life”

I used to cry my heart out so that my mascara would be smudged out all over my face. Snuggle up in the sofa with a pillow in my arms. Putting on the VCR or DVD, and binge-watch romantic films, like You’ve Got Mail, Titanic, and Notting Hill accompanied with my best friends, Pringles, Ben&Joe’s, and homemade Chocolate chip cookies.

If I was out with my girl friends, and they asked me about my relationship, I used to lie to them and tell them that everything was just fine.

With John, my current husband, it all started the same way as all my past relationship had started.

I was, head-over-heels in love with him, and everything about him was exciting. I noticed from the first date that he treated me very differently than other men. He treated me like an equal, as an actual human being, and not like some slut or a child, but as a real lady.

But then, I noticed that he was starting to pull away too.

I started to feel a bit anxious first, but couldn’t really put my finger on it.

Then, I started to see the signs of him pulling away from me and our relationship.

However, this time, I didn’t just panicked. I actually did some research about his behavior, and here is what I discovered.

Signs That a Man Is Pulling Away From You

You might have noticed that there are certain signs that a man is pulling away from you.

Some of the tell-tale signs you should look out for are:

  • He becomes less open and doesn’t discuss things with you.
  • If you text him, he will take a long time to respond to your texts, or maybe he doesn’t respond to them at all.
  • You notice that there is something that is going through his mind and troubling him, but he doesn’t open up or talks with you.
  • He is continually making up ridiculous excuses for NOT spending time with you.
  • He DOESN’T makes any plans with you, and you notice that his behaviour has changed. A man’s conduct may vary due to changes in circumstances, as well as his habits.
  • You notice that he DOESN’T pay attention to you any longer, and isn’t as attentive as he used to be.
  • He ISN’T investing as much emotionally in you and the relationship as much as he used to do in the past.

As we all know, men aren’t as talkative as we women are, so sometimes it is just his nature.

However, I will tell you a little bit about how you can stop him from pulling away from you and your relationship.

Man Is Pulling Away What To Do

One of the reasons is that you are giving him too much attention, and focus less on the relationship you want.

Sometimes, by giving him some space, and allow him to go out and having some time on his own, will actually be beneficial to you.

I compare it to a rolling leash. It allows the cat or the dog to move around more freely, but you are still in control of the leash. It is exactly how you should treat your relationship with the man you love if you want him to stop pulling away from you.

However, one of the reasons that I found out, was that I was using the WRONG WORDS, which I didn’t know.

You see, words that means one thing for us women, means a completely different thing to men.

If you use the wrong words, he will start pulling away from you, and you will not be able to find out why he pulls away.

The Twelve Words That Changed Everything for Me

However, what you need to do is to use the twelve-word phrase that I discovered, known as the Hero Instinct.

You see, unless you treat him like a hero, he will NOT treat you as a lady, and rewarding you with the passionate, intimate, healthy, and loving relationship that we all desire. It is way better to experience it in real life than hoping for him to change his mind by relying on some stupid “tricks” or “mind-games”.

To get him to treat you like the way you deserve, you need to show him the right way to treat you.

You see, men are more single-minded and goal-oriented than we women are.

You have to lead by example, and show him the right way to treat you. The key is to let him think that he is in charge while in reality, you are.

It all changed when I came across a certain video, which I will leave a link to below.

Watch this video to make him treat you the way you deserve.

What to Do When My Man Is Pulling Away

If your man is pulling away, there are only two options for you.

You can either do nothing, and then your relationship will die off painstakingly slow.

If you don’t love him any longer, it is a viable option.

However, if you are still in love with him, you need to stop your relationship from dying, right?

You need to be in control of YOUR relationship and pull him back, to get the relationship you deserve and desire.

You need to fight for your relationship, right?

Here is what I did, and that helped me catch John.

What I Did to Save My Relationship

I was lying in our bedroom next to John, but I couldn’t sleep. All I could think of was why he had become emotionally distant from me.

The questions that was going through my head are the questions you might have right now:

Had I done something wrong? Had I not been supportive enough to him? Telling him to pursue all of his dreams?

So, I pulled out my phone and googled what to do when my man is pulling away from me.

Maybe it is the reason why you came to this blog post right now, maybe someone shared it with you.

I read all the blogs I could possibly read, studying this topic obsessively, trying to figure out how I could save my relationship with John.

That is, until I came across an amazing video that explained it all to me.

It revealed the “hero instinct”, and what it is.

More importantly, it explained how we women can use it to make an emotionally distant man become more:

  • Passionate
  • Talkative
  • Emotionally available
  • Intimate
  • Caring

The hero instinct will help him become all of that.

Trust me, it worked wonders on John.

It was a true life-saver for me, so I hope it will be a life-saver for you and your relationship as well.

Watch this video to stop your man from pulling away.

John recently told me: Melanie, I can’t imagine how my life without you would be. I am so happy with you, and our family.

All I did was to activate his “hero instinct”.

I hope it will help you too.



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