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How to Get a Guy to Like You over Text




How to Get a Guy to Like You over Text


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One of the quickest ways to get a guy to like you is over text.

As I covered in a previous article, men have a very short attention span, and for this reason, you need to quickly capture their attention.

More importantly, you need to create an instant emotional connection with him.

If you are able to do that, you can get a head start, and hopefully make the man you already like to like you as well.

Just continue to read below where I will cover all the details on how to get a guy to like you over text.

Can You Get a Guy to Like You?

Yes, it is possible to make him like you if you are being as true, and authentic as you possibly can. Make sure that everything you do show him who you are, and make him like you as you are.

You DO NOT need to pretend to be someone else, and this is probably the most important thing you should remember.

If anything he does, or says make you feel uncomfortable, tell him that upfront. Never leave your own comfort zone because you think it will make him like you better.

If he likes you, or even loves you, he will accept it. Otherwise he doesn’t truly love you, and aren’t worthy to be your boyfriend, fiancé, or husband.

With this being written, I will now share some things you can do to get him to like you.

Remember that you can choose from any of the methods that I share below freely, as long as you feel comfortable about doing it. You do not need to do everything every time.

If you follow it to the T, you will discover five different methods that will reveal how you can get a guy to like you over text effortless, and I will also share the simple text he simply can’t resist with you at the end of this article. But, make sure that you read all of the methods below, since not every method will work on every man.

What to Do to Get a Guy to Like You

As you already understand, there are many things you can do to get a guy to like you.

Texting him is the best method, and you can take this as far, or as slow as you want.

However, I would advise you to NEVER send him sexy or nude pictures of yourself, since you never know what he will do with them if your relationship ends. Here I advise you to be safe, rather than sorry.

No matter how much he asks, please do not send him that kind of pictures.

You don’t know if he shares them, or what he does with them.

To get him to like you over text, you should send him texts that are:

  • Short
  • Fun
  • Sweet
  • Intelligent
  • Sexy

You can send him sexy texts, as long as you DO NOT send him sexy pictures of yourself.

I will share five texts of each that has worked for me, and my girlfriends when we found the man we now are married to. If you want to know how to text a guy to like you over text, and become completely irresistible to you, I know that you will love these texts, and especially the one I share at the end of this article.

Of course, I can not guarantee that they will work for you, but I would advise you to give it a shot anyway, since it will help you to move things around, and hopefully give you an amazing relationship with the man you love.

5 Short Texts to Get a Guy to Like You

First, I will cover five short one liners which will hopefully get a guy to like you, and connect with you on an emotional level.

  1. I was just thinking of you. 🙂
  2. When I think about you, I always smile.
  3. Are you ready for our date tonight?
  4. Stop hitting on me; it’s annoying.
  5. I am looking forward to meeting you.

These texts will get a guy to like you, since they build report and spark his curiosity.

5 Fun Texts That Makes a Guy Like You

  • Roses are red. Violets are blue. I am cold. Let’s stay in bed until we get old.
  • Is your name Boris? Because I have an appointment with Mr Johnson tonight.
  • Why do you look so handsome tonight?
  • You seem to be like chocolate to me. You are so bad. I can’t resist you.
  • Are you from Finland? Because when I’m done with you, you are finished.

Making him laugh is good, and you can also show him that you like him in your texts. When you make him laugh, he will experience that your texts makes him feel better than any other woman he is texting with, including his mother.

There is science behind this, and even if I’m not a scientist myself, I can tell you that it reduces stress, and makes you feel better, which we all had experienced when we smiled. If you can make him feel that way about you, he will not help himself and will be forced to get to like you because you made him feel better.

If you want more scientific facts about the power of smiling, you can find it here.

When you smile, you experience a rush of serotonin, endorphines, and dopamine, all at the same time. Here are the facts that should make you smile more than you do:

Serotonin reduced depression naturally, and helps us heal our wounds.

Endorphines are endorsing you. They are your personal happy pills. This hormone reduces stress, lowering your heart rate, and blood pressure.

Dopamine is rewarding us with pleasure when we have done something that satisfies us, no matter if it is eating a chocolate bar, or having sex with the man we love. It is your body’s own cheerleader.

Quick fact: A smile gives you the same pleasure as eating 2,000 chocolate bars. How can any man be able to resist you, if your texts make him smile?

If he already likes you, he will send you texts about how good you make him feel about himself, and how strange it is that no other woman seems to have this “power”.

At the end of this article, I will share the text I always use to get my husband to smile.

If you want to text a guy to make him like you, you want to send him that text, right?

5 Sweet Texts to Get a Guy to Like You

Sending him these sweet texts that are a bit more innocent in tone comes with the added benefit that it tells him that you are into him, WITHOUT actually “saying” it to him up front.

  • Hi, stranger! Can you please stop being a stranger to me?
  • This is me asking you out. A cup of tea or coffee on Saturday?
  • Netflix and chill?
  • What would your name be if you were a vegetable? Jim Carrot.
  • What is the one thing I never want you to stop wearing? Your big smile.

Sources: Parade.Com and ChiRhoDating.Com.

If you send him these texts, it will be a no-brainer to you to make him like you over text. Especially if you also send him the other ten texts that I am about to share with you, he will not be able to resist your feminine charm.

5 Intelligent Texts to Get Him to Like You

Research has proven it over, and over again: There is nothing sexier than intelligence, and here are five texts to show him how smart you are.

If he wants you to “dumb down” yourself to satisfy his ego, and make him feel smart about himself, he isn’t worth your time or your love. However, if you are boosting his ego a bit, he will feel smart, and wants to spend more time with you. There is a delicate balance between the two.

Here are my five best intelligent texts to get him to like you:

  1. I just watched a cute actor on TV. He reminded me of you.
  2. Honestly, my friends are sick and tired of hearing me talking about you.
  3. I know it’s cheesy, but you are the first person I think about when I wake up in the morning.
  4. It is so cold outside. Want to come over and warm me up?
  5. You are so smart. Your texts would make Einstein look stupid.

If you want to know the text he can’t resist, I will share it with you after sharing my five sexy texts with you. Remember that your texts should make him emotionally connected to you, which I discussed in “How to Get a Man Emotionally Attracted to You“. That will make him more likely to like you and eventually love you.

5 Sexy Texts to Get a Guy to Like You

Now, it is time to spice things up with the five sexiest texts to get a guy to like you.

We all know that men are completely obsessed with sex, so why not make him obsessed with having sex with you by sending him these texts that will make it impossible to resist you?

  1. Whenever I look at you, I get famished and want a certain kind of meaty sausage as my midnight snack.
  2. I need you right now.
  3. You’re an incredible kisser.
  4. I bought myself a new bra, but I seem to be allergic to it because I’m getting so hot there. Want to come over and help me remove it?
  5. I miss the feeling of your body on mine.

Those were the sexy texts that will make him more eager to satisfy your every need.

If you send him these texts, he can not resist your feminine charm, and will also be happy to do anything you ask him to do, if you are already involved in an established relationship with him.

However, if you want him to become obsessed with you, there is a better way to do it.

All you need to do is to send him the one text he simply can’t resist.

Click or tap here to get the text that he simply can’t resist.

Go get him,


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