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11 Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking About You





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This article will cover the 11 tell-tale signs your soulmate is thinking about you.

I believe every woman has a soulmate and needs to know about these secret signs that most of us don’t know or understand.

Here are the signs that your soulmate is thinking of you at this very moment:

  1. Intense Energy Surges
  2. Synchronicities and Coincidences
  3. Dreams and Visions
  4. Heightened Intuition
  5. Unexplained Emotional Shifts
  6. Telepathic Connections
  7. Energetic Tugs at the Heart
  8. A Sense of Inner Knowing
  9. Signs from the Universe
  10. Increased Sensitivity
  11. Heart Expansion

So, are you ready to meet your soulmate, or do you want to know where you can find them?

In that case, keep reading and receive more than you asked for.

What Is a Soulmate?

Before discussing soulmates, we should discuss this fascinating topic briefly and see if we can find a good definition.

Preferably a good definition of the word soulmate is neither too specific nor too general.

I think that Falak Shaikh has a point when she defines a soulmate as “any person you share a lifetime with,” that is the definition that I will use when I refer to the word soulmate.

Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking About You

When it comes to finding your soulmate, the universe has mysterious ways of connecting two hearts that are meant to be together. Have you ever wondered if your soulmate is thinking about you? Here are eleven signs that might indicate a strong soul connection:

1. Intense Energy Surges

One of the most powerful signs that your soulmate is thinking about you is an intense surge of energy within you. You might feel an unexplained rush of emotions or a sudden burst of joy. This energy surge often occurs when your souls are deeply connected, even from a distance.

2. Synchronicities and Coincidences

Do you frequently experience uncanny coincidences or synchronicities related to your soulmate? It could be seeing their name everywhere or bumping into mutual acquaintances who bring up their name out of the blue. These signs are a subtle reminder that your soulmate is energetically linked to you.

3. Dreams and Visions

Your soulmate may appear in your dreams or visions, leaving you with a strong sense of their presence. These dreams often feel vivid and emotionally charged. Pay attention to any recurring themes or symbols in these dreams, as they could hold valuable messages from your soulmate.

4. Heightened Intuition

When your soulmate is thinking about you, your intuition may become more pronounced. You might have a strong gut feeling about their emotions, thoughts, or actions, even without any direct communication. Trust your intuition as it can provide valuable insights into your soul connection.

5. Unexplained Emotional Shifts

Have you ever experienced sudden shifts in your emotions without any apparent reason? It could be a sign that your soulmate is thinking about you. These emotional fluctuations often occur as a result of your soul connection, as you are picking up on their energy and emotions.

6. Telepathic Connections

Soulmates often share a strong telepathic connection. You might find yourself thinking of your soulmate and then receiving a message from them shortly after, or vice versa. This unspoken communication can manifest through thoughts, images, or even hearing their voice in your mind.

7. Energetic Tugs at the Heart

When your soulmate is thinking about you, you may feel subtle energetic tugs at your heart center. It’s like an invisible thread connecting your souls. Pay attention to these sensations, as they signify the presence and thoughts of your soulmate.

8. A Sense of Inner Knowing

Deep down, you have an unwavering sense of knowing that your soulmate is thinking about you. This inner knowing transcends logic and reason; it is a profound connection between your souls. Trust this inner guidance and let it guide you on your journey.

9. Signs from the Universe

The universe often sends signs and symbols to confirm the connection between soulmates. Look for signs like repeated numbers, meaningful songs, or serendipitous encounters that remind you of your soulmate. These signs are gentle reminders that your souls are intertwined.

10. Increased Sensitivity

As your soulmate thinks about you, you may notice an increased sensitivity to their energy. You might become more attuned to their moods, feelings, and even their physical well-being. This heightened sensitivity is a testament to the deep soul connection you share.

11. Heart Expansion

When your soulmate is thinking about you, your heart may experience a beautiful expansion of love. You might feel overwhelming waves of love and warmth filling your being, even without any physical contact. Embrace this feeling, as it signifies the strong bond between your souls.

Remember, the signs mentioned above are not definitive proof, but rather gentle reminders that your soulmate is energetically present in your life. Trust your intuition, embrace the signs, and keep your heart open to the possibilities. The universe has a way of bringing soulmates together, even across time and distance.


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