If you want to get my 25 best text messages to make him obsess over you, you will love what I will share with you below.
I will share all of them with you and then tell you about my friend Sarah and what she did to get a high-quality man to fall head-over-heels in love with her.
If you use them on the guy you love, you will make him obsessed with you to the point that he will become insane unless he becomes your boyfriend.
7 Text Messages to Make Him Obsessed with You
I will begin with the best text messages to make him obsessed with you, which has worked for most of the men I have dated:
- You make me feel like a real woman.
- I love how horny you make me feel when you are inside of me.
- For some reason, you always make me smile.
- What have I ever done to deserve a great guy like you?
- You are the sunshine in my life.
- I would be lost without you.
- You always make me feel so appreciated.
Now, I will tell you why these text messages work so well on men.
Why Will These Messages Make Him Obsessed with You?
Men love to hear, or in this case, read how good and sexy they make us feel.
If you tell a man he is the best guy you’ve ever been with, even if he’s the worst guy ever, he will believe you, which will boost his ego to the size of Mount Everest.
He will start to brag about it more than usual since you gave him the information every guy loves to hear about himself, which will make him obsessed with you.
These texts will make him start to chase after you since he doesn’t want another man to “steal” you from him.
These text messages work, but if you want the sneaky text message that makes men obsess over you, you need to read what happened when my friend Sarah used it to hook her husband, Andrew.
11 Fabulous Text Messages to Make Him Confess That He Loves You
As promised, I will share eleven other texts that I had used when I wanted a guy I had a crush on to confess that he loved me:
- Can you mention your three favorite things about me?
- My ears are burning. Are you thinking of me?
- Hey, sexy! What are you up for tonight?
- What is your favorite hobby besides doing me?
- All good things are three, and here’s my suggestion for tonight: You, me, whipped cream. But, only if you know the magical three words that will unlock the kingdom of pleasure. Can I hear them, please?
- My favorite new morning routine is waking up next to you every day.
- You are the best thing that happened to me.
- Why are you so darn sexy?
- Here’s a little wordgame I came up with. What rimes with my? What rimes with dove? Now, put in my name after the first two words, and text me back what you think it says.
- Are you cute or is it just me thinking about your brother?
- I saw the cutest puppy in the world. It remind me of you. 🙂
In these five text messages, we turn the tables, and instead of focusing on him, we encourage him to say those three words we want to hear from our boyfriend, right?
You should only do it if you know that he likes you already, and unless he told you so, how can you be sure?
I recently read an interesting article on another blog that shared the 30 signs he likes you more than he admits and will even make him fall in love with you. How crazy is that?
Surely, these text messages work, but there is a sneaky message that will make him love you, and realize that you are the only woman for him, that I will reveal very soon.

7 Great Texts to Make Him Obsess over You
Finally, I will reveal the great texts to make him obsess over you, and they are very naughty, so the reader’s discretion is advised:
- I know a trick that will blow you away. Can you see me tonight?
- I am in my bed, all by myself. Touching my hot body, and miss you.
- You should only know what dirty thoughts I have on my mind right now. Want to come over?
- Why do you make me feel so horny?
- Only you know how to satisfy my every need, and right now, I need to feel you between my legs.
- I think I have a fever because every time I look at you, I feel shivers through my spine.
- Do you want to play doctor? You can be the nurse, of course.
These messages will make him completely obsessed with you since it will make him so horny he can’t think about something other than you.
It will also make him fall in love with you.
If you want the text messages to make him obsessed with you instantly, you can watch this video now.
The video is completely free to watch, but if you decide to purchase through my link, I will earn a small commission without any additional cost to you.
What My Friend Sarah Did to Make Her Boyfriend Obsessed with Her
My friend Sarah used to be very insecure when she was in her mid-20s.
She never knew what she did wrong, the poor thing.
All her boyfriends would dump her after a couple of months, or they would cheat on her.
Her “type” of guy was a muscular guy who had women flock around him on the dance floor when we used to go clubbing. That was how she met Michael, who was a construction worker.
The two began to text each other, and then she did what she usually did.
He convinced her that he was a good guy by using highly manipulative tricks and got her to sleep with him on the second date. Sarah, who grew up in a conservative family, was raised not to have sex with a man before marriage.
Unfortunately, her grandmother, who had practically raised Sarah, had passed away a couple of months before we went out that dreadful Saturday night.
Sarah regretted that she had slept with him and obsessed about it. She confided to me and asked me if she had done the right thing since she was really into him and had planned for a future with Michael, a house, two dogs, and two children named Xander and Emmy.
I felt terrible at the time because I knew that Michael had been cheating on her behind her back with Dinah, who was my and Sarah’s classmate.
I tried to tell Sarah about it, but since I loved her too much, I couldn’t make myself say it to her face. I knew that if I would, she would call me a liar, and we wouldn’t hang out together, so I kept silent.
Unfortunately, she found out since Dinah couldn’t shut her mouth out but bragged about it in front of Sarah.
Tears were flooding up in poor Sarah’s eyes as I sat with her doing my best to comfort her.
Sarah’s mascara ran down her cheeks as she kept talking about how perfect she thought Michael had been for her and that she couldn’t believe that he would fall for a slut like Dinah, who had been with over 90% of the whole male population as a rough estimate in the little town where we all grew up.
The history kept repeating itself for about two to three years until Sarah met Philip, a salesman for a local family-owned business.
She had almost given up on men, but this man was really something, or at least she thought so, until one dreadful day.
That was when Dinah came to destroy Sarah once more since that was what she used to do. It had become a thing for her. She thrived when she could make Sarah cry. Dinah told Sarah that she was expecting her second child and that Philip was the father.
However, this time, Sarah had a secret “weapon” that Dinah wasn’t aware of and who would turn to be a true life-saver for Sarah’s relationship with Philip.
She sent Philip a sneaky little text message that she had learned when she decided to change her “luck” with men.
Philip texted her back that he wanted to see her the next day.
On the following day, Sarah and Philip met and talked for hours. Philip confessed that he had been cheating on Dinah(!) the entire time, but that he had realized that Sarah was the love of his life and begged her to take him back.
Sarah dumped Philip that day and never looked back.
Today she is married to a great man named Andrew, and they have a beautiful house by the sea where they live with their three children and two dogs.
Sarah even used it to hook Andrew, and if that is something you want to know, you can watch this video to get that sneaky text message to make him obsess over you.
I hope you can see the value of this text message since that has helped my friend Sarah get a high-quality man, and it may help you too. If you decide to purchase it, I will make a small commission without any additional cost to you.
Note: The names and details in the story are altered to protect the privacy of the individuals.
Best of luck,